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Parkland Music琴行特意設計了兒歌鋼琴速成課程,適合3-5歲對學鋼琴有興趣的人士報讀。本琴行的流行鋼琴課程均由著名的鋼琴老師任教,在香港的鋼琴教學班中出類拔萃。
特別為3 - 5歲小朋友打造 - 兒歌鋼琴速成班。此課程以英文兒歌為教學題材,目的讓小朋友可以學習新樂器,又可以學習英文生字。
課程已包含 12 堂 30分鐘初級課程,額外附送 Studio Vibe 88鍵 電子琴 (英國設計嘅樂器品牌)
Studio Vibe 電子琴
了解更多Studio Vibe 88鍵 電子琴:http://bit.ly/3Wd32AV
- Wheels on the bus
- Ba ba black sheep
- Baby shark
- She’ll be coming around the mountain
- Itsy bitsy spider
- Oh McDonald had a farm
- Head shoulders knees and toes
- If you’re happy and you know it
- Twinkle twinkle little star
- Rock a bye baby
- Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
- Happy birthday
- Finger family
- Rain rain go away
- Hickory dickory dock
- Row row row your boat
- Skidamarink
- Humpty dumpty
- ABC song
- Mary had a little lamb
- Bingo
- Are you sleeping
- 12345 once I caught a fish alive
- Hot cross buns
- The muffin man
-如有任何爭議,Parkland Music Limited保留最終決定權