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Parkland Music琴行特意設計了兒歌鋼琴速成課程,適合3-5歲對學鋼琴有興趣的人士報讀。本琴行的流行鋼琴課程均由著名的鋼琴老師任教,在香港的鋼琴教學班中出類拔萃。


特別為3 - 5歲小朋友打造 - 兒歌鋼琴速成班。此課程以英文兒歌為教學題材,目的讓小朋友可以學習新樂器,又可以學習英文生字。

課程已包含 12 堂 30分鐘初級課程,額外附送 Studio Vibe 88鍵 電子琴 (英國設計嘅樂器品牌)

Studio Vibe 電子琴


了解更多Studio Vibe 88鍵 電子琴:

  1. Wheels on the bus
  2. Ba ba black sheep
  3. Baby shark
  4. She’ll be coming around the mountain
  5. Itsy bitsy spider
  6. Oh McDonald had a farm
  7. Head shoulders knees and toes
  8. If you’re happy and you know it
  9. Twinkle twinkle little star 
  10. Rock a bye baby
  11. Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
  12. Happy birthday
  13. Finger family
  14. Rain rain go away
  15. Hickory dickory dock
  16. Row row row your boat
  17. Skidamarink
  18. Humpty dumpty
  19. ABC song
  20. Mary had a little lamb
  21. Bingo
  22. Are you sleeping
  23. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
  24. Hot cross buns
  25. The muffin man




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